Requirements Management
Requirements Management

Requirements Management

A Practice Guide


82 Pages, 8.38 x 10.88

Formats: Paperback, ebook: EPUB, Mobipocket

Paperback, $34.95 (CA $46.95) (US $34.95)

Publication Date: January 2016

ISBN 9781628250893


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Organizations continue to experience project issues associated with poor performance on requirements-related activities. This guide will give you the tools you need to excel in requirements development and management — components of the larger field of business analysis and a critical competence for project, program and portfolio management. Requirements Management: A Practice Guide is a bridge between A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), which speaks to requirements development and management from a high-level perspective, and Business Analysis for Practitioners: A Practice Guide, which describes requirements development and management at a detailed and practical level. This practice guide is the middle ground, offering project managers, program managers, teams members and stakeholders the opportunity to learn more about the requirements process